Hi, LivingTree Family!

As you browse and search for the benefits of CBD, you might’ve seen this word float around CBD oils and its products: Bioavailability. Knowing the importance of varying bioavailability in CBD products is crucial if you’re trying to get the most out of LivingTree’s CBD products. Below, we’ll give you all the answers you need to know about bioavailability and why it matters so much when you’re choosing different CBD products!

What is Bioavailability and Why does it matter?

Bioavailability is extremely important to keep in mind when you’re choosing a different CBD product. For those who are new to CBD, bioavailability is the physiological term for the portion of a substance you’ve ingested orally, nasally, or applied on your skin that reaches your body’s systemic circulation. This means when you consume CBD, only a portion of it reaches your system, and depending on the method of consumption you choose, the size of the portion of CBD that reaches your body’s circulation varies. This is extremely important to know, especially for consumers who want to get the most out of LivingTree’s CBD products.

Because there are so many wonderful types of CBD products, the bioavailability and the rate of CBD’s effects varies widely. Some CBD products can reach your body’s systemic circulation faster than other products. In recent studies, some CBD oil users felt its effects within 20 minutes.

So, how do I get the most out of my CBD products? What CBD product should I use?

This is completely up to your lifestyle! Most CBD users prefer taking CBD oils orally because not only it’s the most convenient, it’s because some CBD users feel its effects in a matter of minutes. Though there isn’t a way to increase the bioavailability of your CBD products, you can easily optimize your CBD intake by administering and planning why you’re taking CBD. If you’re looking for additional joint and muscle support, try LivingTree’s incredible lidocaine Roll-On Relief Gel. If you’re just looking for a relaxing night of pampering and self-care, then Living Tree’s deliciously scented CBD Bath Bombs will be the perfect treat! And, LivingTree Botanicals Natural or Peppermint Oil Drops are daily essentials for balancing out your endocrine system.

It is important to know what CBD products will work best for you by trying and monitoring improvements. Please keep this in mind when you’re choosing LivingTree’s products. We want you to get the most out of our Triple-tested, FDA-Lab approved CBD!

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